13 July 2009

jamie oliver ..

Jamie Oliver the British chef or The Naked Chef from his TV show .. I relay like his cooking and his recipes especially Jamie At Home where he cook a quick and easy foods using the veggies and herbs found in his backyard. some time he annoys me but over all he is OK .. and I like that he is promoting healthy food with the Britain's school deniers and so , his new idea from his site is very nice he is selling this organic herbs bags to grow them in your own home and watch them grow and use them in your home cooked meals. you can always buy them from the co-op I know but still I like the Idea couse I like gardening organic food and it is so cute bags to but in front the kitchen windows ..



رورو الشخبوطه said...

حلو يكون فرش ع طول ..

بس ماحب الخضرا :(

ماعنده ككاو :)


lazy dazy said...

واااي رورو اللحين قلت بتقول ما عنده فراوله والا توت
ككاو مره وحده
موهلثي يا بنت
بسكم ككاو