take my word, this DIY face mask will be your frind for the hall summer monthes, this simple mask is very cooling and help in healing the hot sun damege to your skin .
you will need only 3 ingredintes :
yougert - corn stach - rose water
you mix them togther and then lather the mask onto your face and leave it for about 10 to 15 minits . rinse it with water and enjoy your brightend and refreshed skin
the benifits : Yougert contains lactic acid, thats help in refining pores and exfoliating the skin and stimulating collagen production and becouse you use it cold out of the fridge it gives you instsnt cooling effect. rose water help in softens and soothes the skin and corn stach help in refine pores and in sun burns ..
hope you enjoy making this mask :)
الماسك هذا من ذهب ريحه حلوه يشد البشره ..كل شي من طبيعه لوخلطناه صح بفيدنا
صاااجة انا استخدمة من سنيين ايهبل
وحبيبتي انا حاولت اكتب كم مرة تعليق في بلوقك وما اقدر ما ادري شنو المشكله ؟؟؟
وحياك الله دايما :)
نحط ماى زهر ولاماى ورد ؟
ماي ورد
وحياكم الله
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